Bill Evans made beautiful music. Among jazz greats, he is near the top. Jazz pianists can be lauded for technical skill, lyricism, and innovation. All the greats show evidence of each, but usually, one area stands out. For me, Bill Evans stands out for his lyricism and the subtle intimacyContinue Reading

Any sufficiently large wall space seems to be a magnet for those who wish to leave a memento of their presence.   Usually, it’s barely readable scrawls in the form of broad strokes of paint.  Symbols are common (few of which I recognize). Under this overpass,  the typical expressions areContinue Reading

Every time I see this video rental store, it makes me a little paranoid, and I hear the song, “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell.   Having recently watched all five seasons of “Person of Interest,”  and having done research in machine learning, I know the capability is there to monitorContinue Reading

Among the many sculptures along the BeltLine is this collection of silver oak leaves (only species found in Georgia). Most were impossible to shoot without getting apartment buildings or other structures in the background. The leaves are placed along a small hillside facing west. I was there in late morningContinue Reading