On seeing this building, I was intrigued, spending more than a few minutes pondering what it was and what it had been.   Imagination got the best of me, and horror movie memes came to mind.  The barbed wire atop the chain link fence in the foreground added to theContinue Reading

As a child, few things were more sublime than a bowl of cereal eaten leisurely while reading the Sunday comics. My sisters and I would each scheme to be the first to grab the newspaper. Newspaper comics, in color, happened only once a week, and scarcity made them more cherishedContinue Reading

Roy Hargrove was one of the “young lions,” jazz musicians who formed a vanguard of talented newcomers to the jazz scene in the 80s and 90s. Being partial to trumpets, I came across his music while browsing the bins at Tower Records. It’s hard to pin down his style, butContinue Reading

I don’t quite recall when I first experienced passionfruit. More than likely, it was at one of the two Brazilian restaurants we frequented in DC. “Brazil Tropical” was on the way to Georgetown, on Pennsylvania Ave (I think), while “Dona Flor” was on upper Wisconsin Avenue across from the movieContinue Reading

Ahh…it must be January!  The sitting room is bathed in the fragrance of lemon blossoms! Only a few have opened, but already, the downstairs has taken on the delicately sweet aroma. The tree has been with us since 2018, and in most years, it only had a few flowers, butContinue Reading

As I remember, Wednesdays were when we had our weekly music class in fourth grade. We had songbooks, and the class was conducted via radio. We would listen to a lady who would tell us about a song, and then we would sing along as she played. For some reason,Continue Reading

Simplicity is one of the aspects of Cezanne’s work that I most admire. His paintings have a quiet, contemplative demeanor in which vibrantly hued fruit casually rests amid linen waves. The groupings are often haphazard as if spilled or gently dumped on the table for inspection. Oddly, the linen foldsContinue Reading