It was happenstance that I parked next to this tree. The spot was next to the shopping cart return stall and close to the store entrance. As you can see, the bark was peeling so cleanly that it looked like paper coming off a roll. I could not recall having seen a tree like this before, so I snapped a pic with my Konica Pearl II. For those who care, this is a river birch tree, and the peeling bark is typical of this species. Even so, it was a surprise to me.
Great shot of a cool tree. For fun, I shot what we call paper birch (same tree) on Washi S film hand made using an emulsion spread on Japanese watercolor paper. It has an ISO of 6 and give a weird look showing the paper texture. I titled it Paper Birch on Paper Film in Flickr.
I’m vaguely aware of Washi S; it sounds like an interesting emulsion. I looked for your image on Flickr, but didn’t see it.