
Description: A Church in Late Afternoon Light Background: Out for an autumn stroll with my wife, we came across this church just as the sun was going down behind the trees.  The traffic on the street had been relatively heavy, but for a moment, it let up, and a quietContinue Reading


It was happenstance that I parked next to this tree.  The spot was next to the shopping cart return stall and close to the store entrance.   As you can see, the bark was peeling so cleanly that it looked like paper coming off a roll.  I could not recallContinue Reading


I set out to photograph this building because of its colonial architecture, which seemed out of place given the modern buildings surrounding it.    It’s unclear what it houses, as there were no signs hinting at its function. On developing and scanning the film, my interest shifted dramatically. Now, allContinue Reading

Countless times, I’ve watched the late afternoon sun stream down on this chair,  brightening the room.     The leaves of the plant are what caught my eye.  Sunlight settles on them, making hard and soft shadows, bringing out their delicate, rib-like pattern.  Once small enough to be hidden behindContinue Reading

Those who are long-time readers know that impressionist paintings are my favorite.   I will consider my art journey a complete success when I can produce a decent impressionist painting.  That day is a long way off, but the hope remains. This image was made entirely by accident when myContinue Reading

Summer sun has a way of accenting colors and contrast.   I like this scene because there is a progression of color from the grayness of the street, to green, to magenta, then gold, and finally the sky with  shades of grey and a hint of  blueContinue Reading

On seeing this building, I was intrigued, spending more than a few minutes pondering what it was and what it had been.   Imagination got the best of me, and horror movie memes came to mind.  The barbed wire atop the chain link fence in the foreground added to theContinue Reading