I love tomatoes. As a child, tomatoes were a treat in the same way as other fruit. I was picky about my tomatoes—they had to be fresh from the vine—store-bought tomatoes were just not the same. Tomatoes, warm from summer sun, seemed juicer and tangier than those from stores, despiteContinue Reading

Description: Portrait of a small bouquet of rosemary flowers Background: When I planned the herb garden, two herbs, rosemary and thyme were accorded top billing. These I use frequently, and I liked the idea of being able to step outside and get them fresh. Thyme, I had successfully grown in the past,Continue Reading

There is nothing like using fresh herbs for cooking. When I lived in apartments, I usually tried to grow herbs with varying degrees of success. Basil usually worked well, as did thyme. Rosemary never worked—it always died. Naturally, when I planted a flower garden, I saved a small area forContinue Reading