I would wager that anyone serious about 35mm photography wants to try medium format at some point.  A point-and-shoot plastic camera can do 35mm, but medium and large format—those are strictly big league.  Medium format is not cheap, nor is it easy to get into.  There are tons of booksContinue Reading

After buying my Pentax 645, the first lens I purchased was the 120mm f4 macro, which I intended for studio work. But soon, the desire to go outside took over. For over a year, I would pour over lens listings, develop a wishlist, consider the prices, then delete the wishlist.Continue Reading

Description:  Resurgent bee balm, Jacob Kline Background:  Bee balm has a unique flower. It strikes me as looking like a court jester’s cap, the kind with bells and such. When people passing by pause to ask a question about the garden, invariably, they point to a bee balm bloom and ask whatContinue Reading

There is nothing quite like watching and waiting for the first blooms to appear. This spring was more colorful than usual because the scarlet and magenta verbena forgot they were annuals and came back in force. I love spring, but I planned the garden to peak in summer because ofContinue Reading