This is now my ninth garden season, which is hard to believe.  It has been the most challenging thus far because of the health woes mentioned in an earlier post.  In early April, I spent a lot of money on plants, mulch, and manure, and I found myself unable toContinue Reading

Regional differences in food and dialects fascinate me. I suppose some of that fascination grew out of my having spent time in very different regions of the country. My early childhood years were spent in rural southwest Virginia, tween and teen years in Ohio, a large chunk of my adultContinue Reading

Some things look far easier to accomplish than they are.  I learned this lesson again when trying to capture images of gear to use for user experience reports.  Often, I would set up a spot to shoot and find that window light didn’t work—too much reflection, too dim, wrong angle,Continue Reading

After reading yet another article about scanning software, I realized that scanning and I have a marriage of convenience. I will never figure out how to use SilverFast; it’s the most unintuitive software I have ever encountered—and that includes learning Unix commands. Epson provides a free copy of its softwareContinue Reading