Dig, if you will, these pictures of a few things purplish. Yellows and magentas surround them—now can you, can you picture this? Purple is the dominant color in my garden. There is actually an assortment of purples, and I have no idea what the correct names are. I’m still notContinue Reading

Description:  Vase with flowers in brilliant window light Background: In April, late in the afternoon, the sun shines for an hour or so from the southwest into our dining room window, forming a narrow beam. Walking past can be blinding if one is not careful. The brilliance is a blessing. With lightContinue Reading

I read a post on the Japan Camera Hunter blog in which the author posed a somewhat rhetorical question: “What’s the point in taking pictures?” It’s something I have thought about — a lot. When I bought the Maxxum 7000i, I knew exactly why I wanted to take pictures; IContinue Reading

Like everyone else, the pandemic has put a serious dent in my photography.  Being able to wander around freely, whenever it becomes possible to do so again, is something I will be mindful to cherish.  Castleberry Hill is an upcoming artsy neighborhood just southwest of downtown Atlanta. The night sceneContinue Reading

I spent my early childhood in rural southwest Virginia. Fifteen-cent chili dogs are one of the fondest memories of my childhood. There were two places to get good ones (as far as I knew at age six). The first was the “Friendly Inn,” run by a friend of the familyContinue Reading