After buying my Pentax 645, the first lens I purchased was the 120mm f4 macro, which I intended for studio work. But soon, the desire to go outside took over. For over a year, I would pour over lens listings, develop a wishlist, consider the prices, then delete the wishlist. While researching, I kept reading good things about the 150mm f3.5. It had two traits that appealed to me—it was widely praised for sharpness, and it is smaller than the 120mm f4. Finally, an eBay auction appeared that included the 150mm f3.5 in a lot. I got the lot at a very good price, but unfortunately, the 150mm was a little more worn than it looked in the images. No matter, I loaded the Pentax 645 with Kodak Gold 200 and took it along for the ride while shooting the Minolta XTsi.
Wide-open at f3.5, it is sharp, and the colors are great. It is a keeper, for sure. I’ll do a full review in a few months.