I’ve never visited Cuba. I’ve made it to Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, and the Bahamas and changed planes in the Virgin Islands. Cuba has been off-limits for so long that I’ve never considered going.
A friend went a few years back, and this gifted bottle has sat undisturbed for years since her return. Actually, I’d forgotten about it until taking it out for this image.
In Martinique, a Petit Punch or a Planteur was my afternoon drink, which I sipped while looking over the bay from the balcony of the the Hotel Frantel.
In the Bahamas, the drink’s name was something colorful I can’t recall. I do remember that Paradise Island was overpriced and not worth a return visit.
In Saint Martin, we stayed in a suite in Philipsburg. Chickens and goats hung out in front of a local store a couple of blocks from the hotel, and that store sold every flavor of Hi-C drink mix ever made, most of which I have never seen anywhere since. Relying on Hi-C alchemy, we made our own drinks–they weren’t bad.
Puerto Rico was mostly business, but pina coladas were the drink of the day and quite good–better than those in Key Biscayne.
I suppose it’s not the best etiquette to remember places by afternoon drinks, but that’s just how it is. In the unlikely event I ever make it to Cuba, whatever my afternoon drink might be, the noble lime will be a key ingredient. After all, there are few afternoons that cannot be enhanced by dark rum and limes.
I was in Cuba five years ago, where I enjoyed both the Havana Club rum, and the cigars. Found nothing that even comes close to either of those since.
Brought back a few bottles with me, and still keep the last (empty) one as a memento. And if I could ever get my hands on another bottle of that…
BTW: first real camera I ever had was a Christmas gift in 1984 – a Minolta X-370. Still have it, and amazingly, it still works.
Shot with Minolta for years, and over the course of time I added an X-700, 2 XD-Ss, an XD-7, XK w/ AE-S head, XK w/ AE head, plus a range of lenses from 28mm to 200mm. Yep, still carrying the torch for one of the most underappreciated camera brands ever…
It’s always great to hear from a rum connoisseur and Minolta fan!
Sounds like you had a great time. Though I’ve never smoked, I hear Cuban cigars are the very best. It’s good to have times in life that we can reflect on a cherish. I wish you many more.
My first Minolta was an SR-T bought from a pawnshop. These days, thanks to the Minolta Love Project, I have plenty of them spanning 1946 until the very last on 2006. Minolta is a wonderful brand, and I am doing my best to see that all that work is appreciated.
Well, I should’ve mentioned that in addition to the above, I do own two Minolta SrT101s, one black, and one chrome which came with a 58 mm F1.4 lens…
So I guess the question is, do I have a hobby, an obsession, or an addiction?
Let’s call it a healthy appreciation, and stop there.
“Cuba – whatever my afternoon drink might be” brings back memories of the Mojitos in Havana. . From my only one week a few years back, it had to be the Mojito. It seems we had one with lunch and dinner each day. Maybe that was just the tour guides preferences. Anyway, you brought me that memory with this great article. Thanks.
Thanks for commenting, glad to bring back pleasant memories. I haven’t had a mojito in a while, but I do have spearmint growing on the deck!
I just wanted to say I really enjoy this blog.
Thanks! Glad to hear from you!