
Lemon Blossoms, Canon s95

Ahh…it must be January!  The sitting room is bathed in the fragrance of lemon blossoms! Only a few have opened, but already, the downstairs has taken on the delicately sweet aroma. The tree has been with us since 2018, and in most years, it only had a few flowers, but fertilizer a couple of years ago seems to have resulted in more blooms. The best year, thus far, was two years ago when around 40 flowers appeared. The full complement of flowers usually takes a few weeks to show up, so I cannot tell how this year will go. But given the timing and the number of buds, it will be a good year for blossoms.

Unfortunately, I haven’t mastered shepherding blooms into lemons. Usually, only one flower makes it to become a mature December lemon. Even so, I’m grateful for the one that does make it.

What a fitting way to welcome the new year–blossoms and perfume!

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