Come November

As I remember, Wednesdays were when we had our weekly music class in fourth grade. We had songbooks, and the class was conducted via radio. We would listen to a lady who would tell us about a song, and then we would sing along as she played. For some reason, the only song I can recall hearing was “The Mist and All,” a rather somber tune in a minor key. It fit perfectly with the Ohio weather, which was usually gray and cold from November until May. Recently, I discovered it was a poem written by Dixie Willson, who also helped write the musical “The Music Man.”  

Over the years, I’ve hummed this tune many times without knowing its origin. It only comes to mind on dark, misty days when its melancholy cadence complements the scene outside my window. Unlike Ohio, November here can be cold and dreary or bright, sunny, and awash with color. Truly foggy, cool days are hard to come by, so getting a photo to match the song is difficult. Fortunately, my Canon s95 was at hand when I looked out the window, humming the melody. 

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