Four peace lilies happily abide with us. Now that each has settled in a fitting spot, all bloom regularly. The bloom pictured here is about six inches long by four inches wide. These plants add a sense of serenity to a room. The tallest plant has reached about four feet.  Continue Reading

Description:  Seasonal window light framing a scene Background:  In late autumn and early spring, light comes through the dining room’s clerestory window. The shape of the window makes for a narrow, well-defined shadow that creeps across the room in the late afternoon. Minimalist images intrigue me, especially black and white onesContinue Reading

As you know, I have developed a new fondness for folding cameras from the 50s. I have three: a Minolta Semi-P, a Minolta Semi III, and a Konica Pearl II. The top shutter speeds range from 1/200-1/500 of a second. These relatively slow speeds make using larger apertures a problemContinue Reading

It seems new color films are appearing monthly. So far, I have bought rolls of Washi X, CineStill 400D, and Wolfen NC 500, and I hope to try Lomochrome Color 92. As I later discovered, Washi X is repackaged Kodak Aerocolor IV, a surveillance film. Washi X appears to beContinue Reading